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Lighting the way for


future leaders

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The nine month leadership development program is designed to introduce tools for personal development, to make better employees, and ultimately to make a better community.

Participants meet one day a month to learn from speakers and tour businesses and resources in the community.

The curriculum presented will teach first-hand knowledge of leadership and how the tools will have direct application for their business and personal lives. This is a unique program giving information that cannot be gained without a much higher cost of time and money.

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Please, make checks payable to "Leadership Pampa"

Leadership Pampa

is limited to 25 individuals who are interested

in developing their potential for individual

learning and leadership.


are selected to represent a diversity

of backgrounds.

Businesses or organizations

outside of Gray County are eligible if they do

business or provide services inside this county

or if the employee lives in the county.

Business Idea Discussion Illustration


of $600 per participant may be paid by a sponsoring business or by an individual.

Trailblazer Sponsorship

$2,500 and the promise

of 2 participants

Catalyst Sponsorship

$1,250 and the promise

of 1 participant

Minimal Lined Corporate Concepts Team Building

Please, make checks payable to "Leadership Pampa"

What Is Involved?

Attend orientation on August 23rd at 12:00 P.M. to meet the class and participate in a orientation luncheon at The Pampa Chamber Of Commerce.

August - April

The class will meet once a month from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

The morning session features a speaker on leadership topics such

as teamwork, setting goals, conflict management, leadership styles, dealing with stress, communication, customer service, etc.

The afternoon includes tours of major economic areas

(Agriculture, oil/gas, retail) and services in the community

(Education, medical, county/city government).

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Attendance of all sessions is expected. It is the hope of Leadership

Pampa that both individuals and businesses make the sessions a priority.

What Is Gained?

leadership development

The Leadership Pampa program will provide individuals with opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, such as communication, collaboration, decision-making, and problem-solving. Participants can develop and refine their leadership abilities through workshops, training sessions, and practical experiences.

Networking & Connection

A community leadership program allows individuals to connect with a diverse group of fellow participants, community leaders, professionals, and organizations. These networking opportunities can lead to valuable connections, mentorship relationships, and expanded social and professional networks.

expanded knowledge

Community leadership programs often provide participants with insights into various aspects of their community, including its history, governance, economy, social issues, and challenges. This expanded knowledge helps individuals better understand their community's dynamics and fosters a sense of civic responsibility.

Personal growth

Community leadership programs promote personal growth and self-awareness in addition to leadership skills. Participants often undergo personal reflection, better understand their strengths and weaknesses, and develop a stronger sense of purpose and direction.

Being part of a community leadership program empowers individuals to have a voice in shaping their community's future. Participants can advocate for important issues, contribute to decision-making processes, and influence positive change within their community.

lifelong learning &

continuous Improvement

Community leadership programs encourage individuals to embrace lifelong learning and continuous improvement. The knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during the program can serve as a foundation for ongoing personal and professional development.

Influence & advocay

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Gray County Annex

12125 Frederick St Pampa, TX



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200 N. Ballard St Pampa, TX



Please, make checks payable to "Leadership Pampa"